Friday, June 18, 2010

a picture at 37 weeks!

here's a picture of me at 37 weeks pregnant so get off my back!!!  now do you feel like you're here and getting the full experience of watching me grow huge?!?!  you should!

oh fine... here you go.  i know this is what you were really hoping for...

and the real picture... PROOF that i'm carrying a bowling ball in my belly...

i swear it's the same size and dimensions and everything!  i mean, it sure feels as bulky and heavy!

and now that i have posted these pictures on the internet, i'm glad i only have three or four readers to see!  i hope i made at least one person happy.


  1. I am grateful! Thanks! You look great!

  2. Oh Carrie you look amazing! :) That is the cutest baby belly I've ever seen. It's just perfect! I'm so excited for you guys :)

  3. It made me happy. Now the countdown really begins now that you're in the safe zone.

  4. I'm extremely happy! And I can't wait for you to REALLY experience BIG!

  5. You're a giant goober.

    I like it.

  6. You are so cute and tiny! I am jealous. I swear I'm this big but I'm only 23 weeks.

  7. I'm happy! you are super cute!

  8. whoops! looks like you have more than 3 or 4 readers ;)
    I love love love your first picture :)
