Sunday, December 19, 2010

is this a cuddle?

when i put my child on my hip, this is what she looks like. baby girl, can you get any farther away? probably not. but i know you'll keep trying.
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  1. it's because her "heart belongs to daddy." didn't you read the sleeper?

  2. Her little face is so sweet! I'm sure she's forgiven before it even happens. Love the hair do she is rocking.

  3. I think babies just like to screw with you because they know they can squirm, go limp or lean in any one direction and you're not going to let go.

    Perhaps she's already testing your boundaries! Man, she's an early bloomer.

  4. I just had this 'my sister really has a baby' realization. Can't wait to see you! Coming to the airport again?

  5. What is up with that? My baby hates kisses. I keep telling her that she has to learn to like them but she has learned yet.
