Saturday, December 4, 2010

well that was embarassing

turns out if you press the watermark option in picasa to see what it looks like when you export a picture to try it out, it will make that the default for all of your future exported pictures.

i just published 200 pictures in a facebook album...

and they all said "carrie hillier photography" across the bottom.

i hope nobody took me seriously on that because i'm sure anyone that saw it thought i was retarded.

anyways, the album has since been deleted.


  1. And you deleted it? I was looking forward to seeing your fantastic photography skills.

  2. good thing I looked at them all before you deleted them....and yes, I was wondering what that was all about.

  3. you should have left it on and charged people $0.50 when they commented on each one

  4. I'm glad I got to see the watermark! I was wondering if you were pulling "seriously, so blessed" stunt :) There were a lot of fabulous pictures in there. I miss you! Can't wait to see you again soon!!!

  5. Carrie, you're a goober.

    Do you know how many of your relatives would pay for a picture of your baby croissant?
