Thursday, March 11, 2010

super boring post... probably because i'm bored.

yesterday was a pretty big day for me.  i SAW my belly moving on the outside from my kid moving on the inside!  i know i know, it happens in every pregnancy but i gotta say, like everything else, i think it is the most remarkable thing ever!  so yesterdays milestones.  seeing and feeling kid move from the outside.  and it was pretty exciting that chris got to feel it too later that night.

so on a slightly related note.  feel free to laugh at me but i just gotta tell you what my latest thing is that i'm most excited about for having a kid (did that even make sense?!?!) and don't feel like you need to reply to this.  i'm most excited (at least currently) that our kid is going to be so ordinary in probably every single way possible but that i'm going to think she is the smartest, most beautiful, most precious baby that has ever been born and that when she drools or her head drops slightly to one side or she burps i'm going to be absolutely obsessed with it and think it's just incredible.  because right now, yes, i know that babies and kids are all wonderful and amazing and talented in their own ways but how many times have we been shown baby pictures of someone's new nephew, daughter, grandson, etc. where someone just can't stop going on about how cute he or she looks at exactly the precise moment that picture was taken and all you can see is a baby drooling with their head about to fall off their shoulders and their eyes slightly droppy?!?!  call me insensitive but i just look at those pictures and see a drooling baby and i don't need to see 37 pictures because to me, they all look the exact same!!!

so anyways, i know i'm totally going to be THAT mom.  the one that thinks my kid is super amazing and unique in every way and when they just give me a look i'm going to melt.  because i know that would only be the case if the kid was MINE.  so i can drool over my precious drooling kid (how many times have i said drool?!?!) and it'll just make me the happiest girl in the world.

sorry for the babbling.  just had a dream last week that chris and i were watching this normal looking kid doing normal things like rolling over and giggling and smiling and we were the two happiest people you've ever seen (because in the dream that kid was our kid) and couldn't get enough of it.  so since then i've just been thinking about how i can't wait for normal to become blissful and surreal.

{insert longing, peaceful sigh and smile}


Bryan and Carolyn Turnage said...

the funny thing about this Bryan is THAT dad!!! Which is funny cause it's just one more thing you guys are the same on! But truthfully, I find myself slipping into THAT mom! There's something amazing about your own baby!

Anonymous said...

So cute! You and Chris are going to have so much fun with your ordinary little one! haha And you have the right to be THAT mom!! Go all out I say LoL