Sunday, February 13, 2011

tropical ice skating

let me tell you, stanford is the way to go when it comes to family friendly graduate programs.  we went to an ice skating event on saturday put on by the graduate student housing.  it was just for families with kids and we all had fun skating our strollers around on the ice.

first on the ice

skating with a stroller is kind of the equivalent of walking with a cane.  you'd be surprised how much it helps stabilize you...

HENRY!  and nicole, who loved making that face every time i took a picture of her.

see all the short sleeves?!?!  

apparently this is a pointless picture because i have no caption for it.  oh wait.  now i do.

it kind of felt like summer.  see the sun back there?  we were shaded the whole time and it was still HOT.

christopher took her around the ice one time in his arms before someone came out to tell us that is NOT allowed!

family ice skating pictures really aren't that great when the tiny member has to stay hidden in her stroller.

how precious is this tiny little ice queen in her carriage?  makes me think of that evil white woman in narnia.  but only the ice part.

and we're done.  or dizzy.
i can't wait til baby can wear her own itty bitty ice skates.  or hockey skates.  you never know...


Sara said...

Did I ever tell you that I'm a little jealous of your life?

Lydia said...

That is so AWESOME!!! How absolutely fun-tabulous!!

Marianne said...

how fun! I want to do that!!

Jenna said...

I love the updates of the baby....and seeing everywhere you take her. It reminds me of home...hope you guys enjoyed the Winter Lodge!