Thursday, August 16, 2012

shopping comments

thank you sara(h)s for commenting... i feel like you were there.

sara snow?  your comment made me laugh out loud.  hard.  like that was so perfectly dead on.

"I can't believe you got all that stuff for $25. That's amazing! Also, my favorite is the striped gray shirt and the dress. It actually looks really good -- though I know what you mean about the Nie Nie style. :) Don't worry, though -- unless you start wearing purple opaque tights with it and some sort of patterned cardigan and a headband with a gigantic flower on it, it'll look fine. :)"

 so thank you for that.  i will definitely make sure to skip the colored tights, argyle cartigan, and gigantic $80 headband flower.  if i start drifting though... make sure to bring me back.  i know you have my best interests at heart.

and ps- the gray striped t shirt is totally my favorite too.  it was also the most expensive thing i bought.  $7 i think.  didn't break the bank but it wasn't an incredible deal either.  ohhh  welllll, it makes me feel pretty and if i can buy confidence for $7 then i'm all for it!


Sara said...

Haha! I'm so glad it gave you a laugh. :)

You have so many Sara(h) friends!

ok said...

And we Sara(h)s are obviously your biggest fans ;)

Seriously though, when I am in a slump at work and don't want to do much, I check your blog and it always makes me super sad if you have gone a day without blogging. When you blog it's like I'm right there with you and your cutie pie child (and oh, hi, honey!) and that makes me happy.