Wednesday, November 7, 2012

free zoo day

monday we went to free zoo day with my friend, jodi, and her daughter, elle, and her youngest son, parker.  it opened at 10 and we got there at 10 30 and had no trouble parking super close and the weather was the epitome of perfection.  we only stayed for an hour and a half because we both needed to get back for stuff but we saw everything we wanted to and it was plenty of zoo for baby girl and elle.

baby girl and i had an ongoing struggle about whose turn it was to push the stroller.
checking out the mini sloth monkeys or whatever they were.
playing the drums
the little mini pygmy penguins.  just kidding... i think they're called african penguins... but they sure are small. they were baby's favorite.
as was swinging on this bar.
this elephant was my favorite.
it seriously had the longest eye lashes.  like a weeping willow tree.
mother daughter picture... not the best.
and the okapis were my favorite too... even though i didn't get a picture of them.
my view when i was winning the stroller struggle.
scariest animal of the day?  the giraffes!  who would have guessed?  i held baby girl while she burried her head in my neck and clung to me tightly.  "it's scary.  it's scary."
parker hanging out in elle's stroller.

it was a lot of fun and easier than i thought it'd be.  no traffic or anything getting into denver, parking was a breeze (and free), and the zoo itself was not crowded at all.  especially for was a beautiful day it was!  there's two more free zoo days this month... maybe we'll have to go again!

1 comment:

Diana C. said...

pictures not loading on my computer :( maybe its just me...