Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Trial and error

Abigail has been struggling for the last month or so with waking up during the night and being too afraid to go back to sleep. For three weeks in Atlanta she was sleeping in a bed so we are trying to continue that and nix the crib. Now she's not waking up and crying in her crib, she's waking up and mobile around the house. So we are doing some major trial and error. Last night was sleeping on the floor of her closet with the light on because she told me she needs the light on. It didn't work. 

She was up every 45 minutes. 

But Brady?  He slept over 14 hours straight. And I can't remember the last time he woke up during the night... Definitely over a month ago. 

Who would have ever thought a year ago that I would still be waking up a million times a night?!  Ha. I laughed out loud at that one. Serious role reversal for my kids. 

Anyways, this is our plan for tonight. 

Because that precious girl told me if she sleeps close to Brady then she won't be scared. 

Let's hope that's true. 

Let the trial and error continue! 

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