Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Help arrived!

Mom's plane arrived Tuesday morning at 9:40. She's been hard at work ever since. 

Elizabeth was ready to eat when we got home... So were Abigail and Brady. Don't worry, mom fed them plus herself and then took them outside to play and read books. 

Elizabeth napped... While Abigail played in her room for quiet time. I was going to have her sleep somewhere else but Abigail really wanted them to be together and Elizabeth has been a pretty deep sleeper so far. I'm happy to say it all worked out well. 

Then we all got in some snuggles after everyone (except Abigail) napped. 

At 4:45, we were on our way to the pool. 

Only these two went swimming. But they had a blast and mom and I had so much fun hanging out and watching them. 

They're extremely photogenic... Especially with candids. 

But seriously, so cute. 

And precious. 

An hour and a half later... We were on our way home to meet chris, newly home from work. 

The kids were a little worn out. 

So then I fed Elizabeth while chris bathed the kids and mom got some dinner together for us. apparently it takes three adults to do this job. am I really going to be on my own soon enough?  Yikes!  

I'm so glad mom is here. She can help train me and teach me the ropes. And luckily I've got 10 days to learn. 

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