Thursday, July 16, 2015

Beach Tuesday

Lunch line

The one time we fed them lunch inside instead of on the deck. 

This is what I get with a "smile!!!" 

They work against my efforts. 

A rotten jicama. And aunt Jane's awesome nails. 

Our menu for Wednesday. 

My three kids. Pinch me. 

My sweet Abigail. Going to sleep on her last night of being four. 

Making cookie yum yum with Marianne. We did our grocery shopping earlier in the day since it was rainy anyway. So we prepared all of our food and desserts early so that Wednesday won't be all in the kitchen. 

Accidental matching. 

Aunt Beth and Walter win for faces. 

Aunt Jane came with me to walk Marianne to the row house which was funny because I kept getting volunteered. Turns out, she grabbed two different shoes because she was in a hurry and it was dark. Ha. 

Two husbands stand and chat for hours while the two wives nap on the sofas. 

It was a fun day. 

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