Wednesday, October 5, 2016

Real yeast rolls

Wednesday 10.5.16

Texts to Lisa:

For the two hours last night that I was awake and texting you around 5am, I was craving chips ahoy cookies and milk. But my chips ahoy were in the basement. 

So this morning I got up and my first coherent thought was "I'm going to eat a package of chips ahoy today. I'm proud to say I didn't even come close to eating the whole package. But for some reason woke up wanting food and being motivated enough to cook it. For someone that typically can't be burdened to put more than 30 seconds of prep into her food, this was huge. I made a number of things today including roast and veggies and rice for dinner and ham and cheese croissants and ROLLS FROM SCRATCH. WITH REAL YEAST! I don't know what got into me but it was amazing. 

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