Sunday, July 23, 2017

fairies are real

a few days ago, Abigail was talking about how she really wanted me to pull out her loose tooth.

"I want to stay awake so I can see the tooth fairy! I know fairies are real, I just KNOW it!"

I just about melted on the spot.

for everything that girl says and does that makes me want to scream, cry, pull my hair out, bang my head on the wall, and just curl up in a ball and give up on life... I couldn't even handle how precious she was.  and I'm going to keep replaying it in my mind as frequently as possible so I remember.

Abigail is just so creative and imaginative and I really do love it when it's not driving me crazy.  she's also insanely into those rainbow magic fairy books at the moment.  I know people are always talking about how long their kid believes in Santa, but I'm mostly just hoping that the fairy magic can stay alive for this girl.

also, on Saturday, honey got home from youth conference and pulled out Abigail's tooth for her.  she carried it around with her for most of the rest of the day... with the exception of when she would put it down so carefully under her pillow.  at one point she lost it and started crying, but crisis averted, I found it neatly on her bed.  she must have just not remembered placing it there.

anyway, the tooth fairy came and left a crisp $2 bill.  because fairies are real.

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