Monday, August 6, 2012

we are pleased to announce...

check it out!  we're almost a legit family of four!

the ultrasound appointment this morning went great.  everything looks healthy and fabulous and that's all i'm going to say because baby girl just woke up.  here are some pictures for you!


edited to add:

the ultrasound tech was nice... not as crazy awesome as last time (the epitome of a sweet plump british motherly figure) and she was a little vague so i may have started to take my pants off when that wasn't actually what she was asking of me.  whoops.

baby boy measured 15.8 cm.  "you have a long baby!" according to our tech.  she also commented that she was getting better image quality than she ever gets on ultrasounds.  score!  apparently i have a good physical build for ultrasounds.  heartbeat was 146 and super strong.  we'd told her we wanted to know the gender so when she finally got around to that and said "here's the money shot" i looked up and was like "boy?" and in my head i heard a "duh, you knew that.  you already knew you were having a boy."  and it's true.  i did.  it was just me trying to keep my mind and heart open to having a girl.  but while i had looked at boy crib bedding and thought considerably about boy names, i'd given absolutely no thought to having a girl.  i don't think i've written about it on here but the short story is that around the beginning of april (i really didn't record this in my journal or anything because i thought it was kind of crazy) i kept having thoughts of a baby boy to the point that sometimes i would look over my shoulder almost because it felt so real.  we'd been trying to get pregnant ever since baby girl was born but i wasn't necessary EXCITED to have another kid because i was just so happy and content with baby girl.  but these super real thoughts were getting me pumped for a baby... and a baby boy at that! (forgive me that i don't think baby boys are as cool as baby girls... chalk it up to my own ignorance and just cross your fingers i love my new kid as much as i love baby girl).  anyways, it was so real and i couldn't get it out of my head that i tested days early.  and miracle of miracles... it was positive!  and then this monday, miracle of miracles again... it's a boy!  anyways, i doubted it at times but deep down there was no doubt.  i knew this would be that baby boy.

and just for fun, baby girl's equivalent ultrasound pictures here.


Karen said...

Boy!!!! Yay

Paige Taylor Evans said...

You're such a tease! But I think I'm seeing a little weewers haha so is it a boy?!? CONGRATS!!

For the Love of French said...

WOOOHOOOO!!!! A BOY!!!! YAY!!!!!

Ashley said...

So excited for you! Can't wait to meet look fabulous :)

Lydia said...

Thanks a little peepee!!! YAY!!!! SO EXCITING!! He is going to be ADORABLE!!!

Lydia said...

That's* not thanks haha

Cindy said...

Yay, a boy! Congrats!