Tuesday, October 23, 2012

video: i love to see the temple

this might be one of baby's cutest videos ever.

and sorry it cuts off so abruptly.  honey couldn't contain his laughter while i was videoing (i guess he doesn't have as much practice as i do) and it distracted baby girl and basically the rest of the video was crap.  i'll keep trying to get better video of this.

because, have i mentioned before?  this is now baby girl's favorite song.

ps- this is the you tube video that's got her hooked on this song (it's the very first click when you google "i love to see the temple").  we watch it a lot.  also, this is our teeth brushing song (i brush her teeth while i sing the song and then she brushes her teeth while i sing it again... no more toothbrush battle!) so it's well practiced.


ok said...

I am dying over this. Her singing voice is sooooo sweet and precious!!!

Sara said...

Awww . . . He made her embarrassed to sing now, didn't he??? Sometimes laughing is just not okay!

For the Love of French said...

as if she can talk...i can't wait for Rosie to be able to talk clearly...she loves to point now.