Thursday, August 22, 2013

a productive thursday


i was awake for over 2.5 hours.  woke up before three, heard christopher wake up at 5:11 (his body refuses to sleep any later than that) fell asleep sometime around 5:30 i think, heard christopher's alarm, heard him shower and get ready, woke up with brady at 6:30, and woke up for the day with abigail at 9:15.
i have a 16 gig memory card in my big camera.  i never delete pictures off of it and we've had it since abigail was a month old.  i took this picture and saw what i'd never seen before "card is full."  i'll admit... i wondered if this day would ever come.  almost 14 thousand pictures is a lot for one card.
this was the previous picture.
brady is afraid of the ball pit.
went ballistic (no pun... is that a pun? what is that?  intended) and wouldn't put his arms down.  meanwhile abigail is saying "cheeeeeese."  
i love putting him down, leaving to do something for a few minutes, and then coming back to the surprise of "where is brady now?!"  seriously, not sure why i find this so entertaining but i totally do.
 today was day two in a row of not leaving my house (with my kids) and it was great.  they do really well when we're out but it always means that the rest of our day is going to be rough.  abigail acts out like crazy after we get home from a morning out and brady's naps are off.  and somehow it makes our kitchen messy.  like random objects from my purse all over the island?  no clue what that's about.  anyways today and yesterday were great.  we played in the playroom and doll house, abigail and i have logged hours of reading her stacks of library books, brady has been so happy, i haven't worn makeup in three days, and we've all been a little less stressed and rushed about life.  

tonight we had an amazingly productive presidency meeting tonight and, as always, i had a generous to do list for myself by the time i went home.  i'm in such a productive mood tonight (i deep cleaned my kitchen and even mopped my entry way and bathroom!  and the best part was that abigail was my perfect hanging out buddy just sitting on the kitchen chair to stay out of the way while she chattered and told me stories) that when i got home, i put brady to bed and tackled every action item on that list (except for the two that require a phone call that will need to be during daylight hours) and so tomorrow i can just worry about following up with people on all of the emails i sent out.  great news since we're hopefully going to the splash pad tomorrow.  crossing my fingers our outing out is as enjoyable as our days in.  i tell myself that abigail will appreciate these things.  today, she randomly told me sorry for something she had done thirty minutes earlier.  tonight while i was mopping, she was eating her [nasty, plain] greek yogurt while i was mopping and she said "thank you for painting my fingernails and my toes."  she has a good heart.  it made my day.

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