Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Splash pad - long live summer!

my friend and i were going to take our kids to the pool this morning.  until she called me and told me that actually it was closed until 3pm (when the lifeguards get done with school.  is back to school ever going to stop ruining my life?!?!).  so we decided to hit up a not so nearby splash pad/park instead.

this kid napped for 15 minutes on there way there and 15 minutes on the way home.  still, he was super smiley and happy.  he had a pretty great day today.

abigail had an awesome time, even after elle went home.  she'd just tell me where she was headed and then off she went!

she's a leggy little one.  those limbs just keep growing.

photography by brady: "legs"  also, he is a grabby one with cat like reflexes and a death grip like you wouldn't believe.  especially when it comes to my phone.

sweet and simple joys of life.

at one point she was chasing this group of older kids around (not sure what game they were playing) and they were so much faster that at one point, she just stopped and looked around because they got so far ahead she didn't even know where they were anymore.  i didn't know if i should laugh or cry.  i'm already so concerned about her pure heart getting broken.  i'm never going to be ready for her innocence to be shattered.

when she sits indian style she likes to announce, "i'm going to sit like YOU!"  speaking of how i'm terrified of her getting her feelings hurt.  after elle went home, abigail was eating her snacks and told me that elle didn't want any of them.  i'm already having to talk her through situations of when she wants to share her snacks with a bff that doesn't want any. but if i had a dollar for every time she said apple straws... that made me smile about it all.

it was a good day.  it's so much easier to just stay home instead of leaving the house.  packing food and a diaper bag and the pool bag and lugging a baby around when you're trying to keep up with a three year old and always being on high alert to make sure someone doesn't snatch up your kid or your stuff.... but it always ends up being worth it.  even if i have to listen to the pitiful "but i don't want to go home" whines from the back seat for 20 minutes straight.  mark my words... i will be a good mom and take my kids back there next week!

i'm so grateful i'm not instagramming my kids' back to school pictures yet.  i love having them with me all day, every day.  while we were at the splash pad and abigail was covered in apple straw crumbs, i kept smothering her with hugs and kisses.  like i seriously couldn't contain myself, i just was so overwhelmed with gratitude that i was in that moment with her.  i know when the day comes, she's going to be thrilled to go to school, but i'm already dreading it hardcore.  at least i'll have brady to comfort me.  thankgoodnessforthat.

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