Tuesday, September 24, 2013


All things considered, today was a good day. The biggest downside is that I woke up with flu-like symptoms and my clogged duct way worse than yesterday... so i seem to have mastitis yet again. I've lost count how many clogged ducts I've had nursing Brady and who even gets this when their kid is nine months old?!  Last time I had it was April sometime. I remember it was the same day as our new beginnings program and I felt like I was on the verge of death. Anyways, today, thankfully Abigail had a friend coming over so she was occupied while I managed a fussy Brady (who hasn't really been nursing for the last five or six days... Hence the duct issues) and using all the free time today that I could manage, I finished all of the young women open baptistry invites. And I made Brady zucchini and he loves it. And Abigail napped without a problem, which I thought would be a bad thing and cause her to be awake super late but apparently the whole time I was at mutual tonight, she was begging Chris to put her to bed. So I finally gave in at 8:30 and she went right to sleep. I wonder if she's feeling okay. Young women's tonight was super fun. Trivia from the bios from the presidency and 12 and a scripture chase style worksheet about the may conference ensign. And jen's baby was drunkenly adorable. And really we just all had a blast.

Basically, I have zero appetite, I feel sick to my stomach, I've barely eaten all day, I've got full body aches and chills, nursing hurts like crazy, and any time something comes within five inches of my chest I inhale sharply anticipating the pain. And through it, I've felt so blessed and loved by my friends and my Heavenly Father. Good days are truly determined from the inside, not outside. 

But still, hopefully my body feels a little better tomorrow...

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