Thursday, October 31, 2013

On the mend

Between the hours of 1:30am and 2:30 am when Brady was throwing up in his crib, I was still too weak to stand or lift my baby. But miraculously when I woke up this morning at 7am, I could not only stand, but I could walk too!  They don't call those 24 stomach bugs for nothing. 24 hours indeed. 

This morning Abigail played in her crib forever and Brady slept in til 10 so I had plenty of time to take a long hot shower and get my life together again. I blow dried my hair to help me feel normal again but I put on yoga pants and a comfy shirt. And dressed both kids in pjs for the day. And then I spent the day doing about 6 or 8 loads of laundry (how do you not lose track at that point?!) while Brady roamed the house and took a remarkable four hour nap and Abigail watched a whole lot of tv and was the best hang out buddy a girl could ask for. She was a complete crackup all day long. And she and Brady are BFF.  So adorable. 

She took a turn getting cozy in this blanket. 

And then she took pictures while I had a turn. I was still pretty wiped out. 

She's the cutest kid ever, is she not?

I was folding laundry in the playroom so we could hang out while Abigail played trains. Brady woke up so I went to get him... and when I came back I found that Abigail had started putting her laundry away. Just because. She is a truly remarkable three year old. 

And Abigail and Brady had so many giggle fests today. My favorite were the ones taking place in Abigail's closet. I set up a little pillow blanket sort of nook in there and hung a little Thomas poster. Now Abigail thinks it's a cool hangout clubhouse of sorts and likes to invite Brady in to see her Thomas thing. They were laughing like crazy in there. Only interrupted by Abigail popping out occasionally. "Mommy...  We're doing fine in here."

They really crack themselves up. They crack me up too though. 

Abigail found this bookmark in a library book and said, "oh wow! It's thirty dollars!!!"

Yeah. Almost. 

Abigail likes to read books, Brady likes to pull himself to standing. So this is what life looks like these days. One activity is enjoyable and the other gives me a heart attack. 
Kids are great, huh?

Over 48 hours now of only having milk and a single biscuit, fighting a relentless headache, and full body aches that even make my hair hurt (does anyone else ever have that?), it's another day that confirms "it's your outlook more than your situation."  It was a good one. 

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