Thursday, March 6, 2014


Today was one of those days that just kinda went well and at the end of it I was all "man, that really came together!"  

I forgot to set my alarm so I woke up at 8:30 to the sound of Brady crying and Abigail coming downstairs. I was kind of annoyed at myself because I wanted a shower and I can't shower with Brady awake because he would probably bash his head open or something... While crying the whole time. But by the time I got out of bed and was getting ready to go upstairs, he'd already fallen back asleep. I remember reading stuff like that when Abigail was a baby. "Just give your baby five or ten minutes to fuss because he might put himself back to sleep" and I was all... That NEVER happens!  But with Brady, that happens all the time!  Bless that kid. My children are so different from one another. Anyways, he was awake by the time i was turning off the water but who cares... I got time for a shower! 

Also, Abigail has been awesome lately about going potty. So she got to watch a show this morning while I ate breakfast and fed Brady in peace. I hadn't realized it before but sometimes I just need silence. I'll blame the ADD for that one, but holy cow my days are hard if Brady is crying constantly or if Abigail is incessantly spewing out questions and requests. But today?  Today was good. 

I FaceTimed with my grandmother today. The connection was bad and kept disconnecting so that was super frustrating, but it's always fun to talk to her. 

Elle came over to play at noon and I put Brady down shortly after. So I had time to myself for three hours while the girls played. I prepared coupons for a shopping trip tomorrow. I've tried couponing before and it always left me feeling frustrated and bitter and I would give it up because it just wasn't worth it for me. Cross your fingers for me for tomorrow. We'll see how this all goes. After Elle left, Abigail got to watch another show because she already had three stickers again on her potty chart. And since Brady was still sleeping, I had more time to get things done. Yesterday was a seven and a half hour nap. Today was four and a half. I kind of feel like I never see that kid anymore but even when he's awake, like tonight, I can tell he's exhausted. He's just been more snuggly and more sleepy and I can just tell teething has him completely wiped out. 

I actually thought about what I should make for dinner before I Chris's "20 minutes" text!  It was 4:00 and I already had leftover mashed potatoes and some asperagus I needed to make. I grilled it on my little George foreman with some butter and lemon juice and the meatloaf finished in the oven in time and hung out until my honey got home and the timing just worked out great. It's way easier to have a hot dinner ready when you don't have a husband home until 7pm. I never know when my honey is getting home until 20 minutes before because he just texts me as he's walking to his car. I told him it makes me feel like I'm on top chef because I'm under pressure and tripping over Abigail and yelling over Brady's crying and just racing against the clock. Christopher was somewhat amused by my analogy. But tonight was way more relaxed.  Probably because I started thinking at 4. And we didn't eat til 7. And I just started cooking and hoped the timing would work out. I got lucky. But I really am appreciative because of all those nights when the timing is just so off... Sometimes it actually works out just right!  

Abigail has been so sweet and pleasant and mature. She plays puzzles with me and saves the last piece so I can put it in. She is so good with her words and explaining concepts and ideas and reasoning and telling stories. She's never seen frozen and we've never talked to her about it but she told me today about when she was at Lucy's house yesterday that Lucy read her a book and told her about frozen. She's also so good with Brady. I love that when he fell down today, she came over to give him a gentle pat and a piece of bread from her sandwich to help him not cry. When I was cooking, he was getting into the hutch in our dining room and I asked Abigail to help him out since my hands were covered with raw meat. She used a sweet, high voice to say "no no Brady, we need to come out here" just as I would and let him by the hand back to our kitchen. She is a huge help. She's been watching max and ruby quite a bit and I wonder if she's picking stuff up from that. Ruby is the most incredibly kind and patient big sister and that's how Abigail has been acting lately. Also, she's so good about cleaning up her toys. I can't say it enough. In the evening, it's hard for me because I'm tired and Brady wants to be held and there are toys in the great room and the kitchen is a disaster from dinner with all the food and dirty dishes. I can ask Abigail to clean up the great room while I clean the kitchen and she does a flawless job. Not to knock the job that Christopher does picking up the toys, but Abigail does it exactly how I would do it. Everything is put precisely where it belongs. By the way, her favorite number is 4, but she also really really loves the number 8. And I think she currently prefers pink above purple although she'll still tell you her favorite color is "pink AND purple."

Brady is hilarious. And he loves to laugh. And he's getting so much more secure in his walking and falls so much less and he's getting so much faster. He's a busy kid and loves to turn on my bathtub and put his hand under the water and throw stuff in and rip up toilet paper and paper towels but holy cow, he is so funny. He's got such a sense of humor and it's just been within the last week that I've gone from wanting him to be just a tiny bit older to now having him be in just the perfect sweet spot age wise. This is the best age. Although when Abigail is behaving, she's in a sweet spot of her own. Every age has some major pros and cons and those pros are so amazing. 

Honey and I snuggled a bit on the sofa for the end of the avs game. They won in overtime with a goal from Benoit. He's on my fantasy team. Duchene got a goal too. And maybe parenteau. My fantasy team really rocked it tonight. 

My honey helped me clean up the kitchen tonight after we put the kids to bed. He did dishes while I put food away. I wish this happened every night because it made it fun. It was one of those simple things that hit the spot for me. I like to do things together. Ordinary things. 

We watched a modern family episode tonight that had us laughing out loud. The part in the Vietnamese restaurant. Ha, it makes me smile just thinking about it. Laughing out loud is the best. 

In case I haven't mentioned it, Abigail's favorite memorized scripture is the second article of faith. The other day I asked her to say the first one and started saying "we believe in god, the eternal father..." And she was all "no! I don't like that one. I just like transgressions." Hmmm. Go ahead and ask her about the scriptures she's memorized, she will 100% tell you that her favorite is transgressions. My favorite is that she doesn't know what transgressions means.

I'm going to Texas in two weeks for a "daughters" trip with my aunts and girl cousins. I'm so excited but I'm already super sad about leaving my kids. Especially because Christopher and I are going to St. Thomas right after so I'll be gone from them for two weeks. I need them to misbehave and be really bad so that I'll appreciate having a break and being away from them. There's still time for that. 

As of right now though, they're just super cute. 

This is Abigail's funny, crazy face that she did just for this picture. 

And this was just preciousness. 

Today I was cooking in the kitchen while Abigail was watching a show and Brady was playing with the toys in the kitchen toy cabinet. Abigail turned around and got my attention... "Mommy, is Brady doing okay?"  It was adorable. Just her checking in with me because she cares about the well being of her little brother. Seriously, they melt my heart. 

1 comment:

Sara said...

You can tell Abigail that my favorite numbers are 2, 4, 6, and 8. All the even numbers under 10. :)

Also, where in Texas are you going? If you have time, you should schedule to see me. :)