Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Hot and cold

Yesterday was t shirt weather. Today it snowed all day. This is my favorite because it's the best of both worlds. 

Yesterday at 11am, we were just getting to the playground. Today at 11am, we admired the view out our windows and pretended we were trapped in a snowglobe. Or maybe that was just me. 

My friend Shaylee came over with her little girl and a little boy she was babysitting. Totally unplanned but it worked perfectly. Shaylee texted to see what we were up to and I told her to come on over. Made my morning fly by! 

Then Brady went down for nap and Abigail and I made cookies. Just thinking about them makes me want to barf. I've been trying to gain weight but it's just not happening. The only way I can force my body to gain weight is to just eat a ton of food, especially high sugar or high fat. I've gained a couple pounds but I feel like crap all day every day, especially during/after eating. I'm not really sure how much longer I can keep this up... I am so sick of feeling sick and crappy 24/7.  Anyways, notes if I ever make these again... I wish I'd gotten more than one lime to zest. Also, bake for exactly 10 minutes, 9 just wasn't enough to get them cooked in the middles. 

Abigail made her own random creation. Everything so carefully put just so. Who's loving the lime on the mini grater on the upside down measuring cup? 

I sure do love some doughy cookies straight out of the oven...

Anyone else get frustrated at this?  My table and floors were clean twenty minutes earlier. But Abigail spilled milk on the table which also dripped on the floor and Brady just decided to chuck everything off his tray. I'm kind of over cleaning the mess but I also hate the wasted food. Brady...

Tell me you've seen that viral article about the man that makes huge snow art by walking for miles/hours in the snow in perfect geometric patterns.  I watched this and thought of that. "Look mommy!  I'm making footprints in the snow!"

She's precious. Wearing snow pants from one cousin and mittens from another. It puts a smile on my face. 

Earlier today we were in the basement stairwell and Abigail said something and heard her echo. I wish I'd written down her quote but I got distracted. It was perfect. Something like, "listen!  When I say something then I keep hearing it!  See.."  And when she kept dropping a metal crib piece on the concrete floor it made a pretty ringing sound. After she did it several times she said something like "this is pretty dropping!" Or something and asked me to listen. Ten she waited attentively for me to be completely still and quiet whispering "I'm waiting  for you so you can hear it" before she dropped it again. She is so patient with me. 

Brady cries a whole lot. He lives on my hip and even then, he's pointing and grunting about whatever food or treat he wants me to get for him. For a few months, he was happy and pretty easy but that was last fall or something and has long been mostly forgotten. Now, just a whole lot of fussing and crying and being suctioned on my hip. So this morning I'd fed him his usual huge bowl of oatmeal and then some pear that Abigail was eating and then took him out of his chair because he seemed done. But he was hysterical as soon as I sat down to eat my breakfast and nothing I could say or do was making any difference. In my attempts to hold him and get him milk and on and on to get him to stop crying I was so frustrated because I just wanted to sit down and eat my [getting colder by the second] oatmeal without him screaming bloody murder at my feet. So then I find myself yelling "BRADY!  FOR THE LOVE WHY DON'T YOU EVER STOP CRYING?!?!" And Abigail is all "mommy!  Stop yelling!" So then I explain, "I know, I'm sorry baby girl. But sometime Brady just cries to much and it makes me kind of upset." And she says "It's okay mommy, you can yell a little bit. I'll go turn on some music for Brady so that he can be happy again" as she runs to the CD player and turns on a cd of primary songs. Annnnnnddddd thank goodness that even though I suck, my child is a far better person than I am. 

As the first song starts singing "I am a child of God" it's painfully obvious to me why we are commanded to become "as a little child."

That kid has always been wise beyond her years and I'm grateful she's so patient with me and that I have her around to teach me a thing or two when I need a swift kick in the pants. 

I'm also grateful that Brady will have virtually zero memory of my mothering skills at this time of his life. ; )

So how bout that weather?!

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