Wednesday, September 14, 2016

Fabulous Friday

I woke up this morning just not really into today but by the end, I was so excited about life. Like Christmas. But I don't know what I'm excited about. Still trying to figure it out. 

Brady can eat graham crackers and milk! Hallelujah! 

I picked Abigail up from school today (five minutes early and looking put together for once and talking with Krystal and then Abigail's teacher) and she looked so grown up! She totally looks like a first grader to me. Definitely not a kindergartener anymore. 

They did aqua doodle and bubbles in the back yard. I gave them tiny paintbrushes and they were so intent on painting the whole thing. Abigail kept saying "Come on Brady! Keep going! We're a team!"  It was precious. 

This is what success looks like. 

Photography by Brady. 

Photography by Abigail. 

Elizabeth's favorite hangout. 

Shirt and shoes from the bag of clothes Elle brough last week. When your kid is so skinny that the skinny jeans just look like boyfriend jeans. 


Apparently every time I saw boots on sale, I bought them. In an 11. She's gonna have some awesome footwear choices this winter! 

He was misbehaving and I sent him to his room, so of course he fell asleep. It happens almost every time. This time at 5:30pm. 

And then he woke up and cried. And then thank goodness fell back asleep for the night. 

My precious. 

Loving pres uchtdorf. 

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