Saturday, November 23, 2013


I love organizing. Sadly, I haven't really been doing any for the past two years. But lately I have the time and focus and energy for it and it's wonderful. I've been organizing the garage, our food storage, junk drawers, kitchen pantry cabinets, Brady's room, and random other smaller things. I've also been tackling our yard. Today I did a complete overhaul on Abigail's closet. She's so skinny and small that she can wear clothes for multiple years, which makes packing away clothes a huge huge pain. She has some cardigans that she's been wearing for two years straight. Most are size 18 months but some are smaller like size 6-9 months (kids clothing sizes are such a joke)so I've struggled with the best way to pack things away and keep stuff organized should I (cross my fingers) have another girl. 

The details are boring but let it be known, this was a huge, all day task. It feels so good to have Abigail's dresser and closet all cleaned out and only having the clothes out that currently fit. And having a whole drawer with her next summer's wardrobe all ready for her. This is the first I've really had to buy a whole set of clothes for her (we've gotten tons an tons of hand me downs and have just had to fill in the blanks here and there with a pair of boots or something). I got all of her new stuff for next summer on super sale (or free from kohls) and just tried to buy cheap stuff ($5 target, walmart, and old navy shirts) for her to wear this winter. Anyways, I think we are set for the time being (with the exception of maybe boots and a church outfit) and it feels goooood. Clothes are a pain. 

Anyways, I need more gray storage bins and I can keep conquering my house! Little by little I swear it'll happen! 

And then I went to the basement and brought up all of Abigail's previous boxes of clothes so I could repack them in gray storage bins (instead of mismatched flimsy awkward cardboard boxes) and that was an even bigger project. Didn't make any pictures of that but ohhh the panic attacks that almost happened. 

I can't believe how many baby girl clothes we have. Hallelujah for the generosity of others!

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