Wednesday, May 15, 2013

an all around success

today was a good day.  reflecting on my day i tried to figure out why it was so good.  it's a checklist of sorts that i go through pretty frequently and today i got way higher marks than i usually do.

- i showered and got out of the house before 10am.  my hair was wet, and i was wearing a t-shirt and no makeup but who cares... i showered!
- i got grocery shopping and errands done.  double points that abigail was at playgroup so i didn't have the mom guilt of dragging her through walmart for an hour while telling her "no" five million times in a row.
- on that shopping trip, i bought things i needed for the house (hangers, receipt organizer), nursed brady in the dressing room (picked the nearest item to "try on" and i'm pretty sure i didn't fool the dressing room lady with my size 18 dress), got a few fun things (a new purple nailpolish for abigail and a new pink nail polish for me as well as new mascara for me... all a dollar or less), and saved a whole ton of money on the things i bought (price matched $2 milk, $2 cheese, cheap produce, and meat on sale) and avoided getting any impulse food purchases!
- both kids napped at the same time and brady was exhausted from not getting a real nap this morning (he's at the point where he'll only nap for 45 minutes or less if we're out running errands... although sometimes it's only for 10 or 15 minutes) and slept for over 3.5 hours again.
- i was super productive during nap time.  i cleaned out my honey's side of the closet... something i've been itching to do for probably almost two years... basically ever since we moved into this house.  he might kill me when he comes home and finds out... but that's not today's problem.
- baby girl was a lot of fun today.  she's my little pal and hanging out with her helps me not feel so lonely that my honey is gone.
- i'm actually keeping up with the dishes in the kitchen and not letting them pile up like i sometimes do when my christopher is out of town.  i'm actually doing a fairly good job at keeping the house clutter at bay.
- i took one of my young women out for frozen yogurt and we had a blast.  baby girl and brady did too.  but especially baby girl.  she was laughing and squealing like crazy.  extra mom points for me for frozen yogurt and providing a friend for my child.
- i was nice to my husband, didn't complain [that much] about my baby, and was pretty patient with baby girl.
- i maintained a good mood today despite the crazy bad headache that has been plaguing me for the last twelve hours and that i didn't actually get a real meal today.
- i didn't get to talk to my sister when she called but i did talk to my mother in law when she called to check in on me and see how things were going today with brady.
- i did two loads of laundry.  i need credit for that too.

basically, at the end of the day what i really want to know is... was i a good wife?  was i a good mother?  did i work towards fulfilling my calling?  did i do something to improve my home and make it a better place for my family?  did i take care of myself (normally means meals or shower or looking nice)?  was i a good friend/family member to my loved ones?  did i serve anyone or help someone's day to be a little bit brighter?  did i work on any projects or long term goals?  was i happy?"

so even though there is a long list of stuff i didn't get to or should have done better, i am checking off today as a major success.  i mean, it only took me an hour to get brady to sleep tonight!  there is a lot to celebrate! and i am very very very blessed.


Diana C. said...

I love your list of questions at the end. Its a great reminder of whats really important! You're awesome carrie!

EmmyLou said...

I do too! I just saved them in a doc called: How was your day. I am about to change my day so I can answer some of those better tonight.