Tuesday, May 7, 2013

old pictures from last week

not the safest thing i've ever done but i let abigail cut her own nails.  she did a really awesome job.  like way better than i was anticipating.
hi there!
"is he wet?  is he wet on his tongue?"
story time.  from one kid to the other.
she woke up in such a sad mood.  and only wanted to wear this pink bow.  luckily i convinced her to put on undies too and eventually a full outfit!
getting my watch fixed.  check out her shoes... should i mention she's still rear-facing in her car seat and that my car now looks like we took a trek in the wilderness?
the adorable house next to the watch place.
baby girl took the dollar store my storm.  i'm sure they looooove us. 

she was thirsty.  so she needed this raspberry iced tea.  like eight separate times.
and these are purple so lets grab a few of those.
love kids in carseats.  life is so simple.
and some neon loofahs and body wash...
i'm sure the dollar store employees loved finding out little stashes of treasures that we left around the store.
while we were in the card aisle looking for an anniversary card, abigail told me this one would be perfect.  i literally laughed out loud.  "congratulations to you!  you're married to me!"
and when i read the inside (still in anniversary context) i really did have a good laugh right then and there.  and several times since.  made me think of how my brother gave someone a condolences card for their wedding card.  it was pretty funny.
i love nursing.  thank goodness brady is so good at staying focused while he's eating, even when i'm multitasking a million different other things during a single feeding session.
easiest baby ever to take pictures of... he loves pictures!
another mirror picture.  snapshot of our day.
after his first day at therapy.
seriously?  a dream come true for a picture obsessed mom.

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