Sunday, May 5, 2013

dear john

last sunday we went to church with my in law's for john's farewell talk in sacrament meeting.  


he did a really great job and although it was fun to hang out with everyone all weekend (the kelsey grandparents and steph and her nate were all in town), it made me super sad because i'm really going to miss this guy.  

let's back up a bit... when i married into the family, john looked like this...

and he was my biggest struggle of marrying into this wonderful family. don't get me wrong, it not like we battled it out or anything, it's just that it took some getting used to having three little brothers, especially when john was the instigator and the three of them were always getting in super annoying fights with each other.  i was used to being the annoying little sibling, so going on vacations and being stuck in the car with an "i'm not touching you, i'm not touching you, i'm not touching you" john was enough to make me want to pull my hair out.  he was hard to be around and hard to love.  (my mother in law even admitted tonight when we got together for john's setting apart, that john has definitely been her most challenging child).  so it's really pretty amazing that somehow, without me ever realizing it, he turned into this super awesome guy.  he's one of the most loving and sincere individuals i've ever ever met.  he is obsessed with babies and kids and wants to marry a career woman so he can be a stay at home dad.  he's better with my kids than i am and more patient too.  i can count on him when it matters.  and... i really really really enjoy his company!  he has an amazing presence and he's just so fun.  i love when he's at family gatherings (i missed him so much while he was at college) because i can just hand abigail over and i know she'll be safe and well taken care of while having the time of her life.  he is truly incredible.  i will gladly write a letter of recommendation for him to any girl on the fence about dating or marrying john.  he's a good catch and i already can't wait to be friends with his wife.  she's going to be awesome.  

so tonight was pretty emotional for me.  he's a missionary now!  honey couldn't be there because he was still in LA for the stanford mba weekend thing (he wasn't at mark's either.  i have better attendance at his family functions than he does), but i texted him pictures afterwards to try to keep him from feeling so left out.  the setting apart was so special.  i am so excited for him to be a missionary in argentina and i know he's going to be great.

i still can't believe that he grew up in front of my very eyes without me even realizing it.  his personality completely evolved and his height doubled.  i can only imagine what the next two years will bring.

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