Sunday, June 26, 2011

we're here! we're here!

we've been in our house for almost two weeks and it has been amazing.  I LOVE PARKER.  we only have a handful of lingering boxes left to be unpacked.  we have almost the whole house furnished.  as of thursday, baby has stopped crying and clinging to my legs 24/7.  that felt like it would never end.  we have a tv and channels.  the first time in our marriage.  on tuesday we'll finally get internet.  on thursday, baby and i are going to atlanta!!!  we'll be at the beach all of next week.  to prepare, we've been going to the pool every day.  baby girl loves the water and it completely fearless as she crawls headfirst into the baby pool.  oh, we also got a second car.   first time in our marriage that we've ever had two cars.  baby girl is getting so big.  she's looking so much older to me.  she claps when we tell her to and she waves in socially appropriate situations.  she also does quite a bit of walking while holding on to just one hand.  still won't stand up on her own though.  she sits down the second i let go of her.  and if she knows it's coming, she won't even put her feet down.  this morning we had waffles for breakfast.  first time in forever since we didn't bring our waffle iron with us to california.  i was so excited for waffles that i made them from scratch since we were out of bisquick.  and ohhh they were so good.  the waffles themselves were just normal but when you add butter, powdered sugar, syrup, whipped cream, and strawberries...  mmmm.  it's going to be a sad day for me when baby wants to eat what i do.  until then, i'm grateful for mornings like this one where she'll happily eat peas while i stuff my face with loaded waffles.  we have hung absolutely nothing on our walls yet.  hopefully that will happen sometime.  and hopefully i can go back to taking pictures and blogging regularly too.  maybe... in a few weeks.  okay, that's all i have to say now.  i'm at the in laws right now and i should probably be a better guest.


Lydia said...

That is SO awesome!! Glad you're getting settled but sad you will be gone the whole time Brett and i are in Co!! Ugh!

Catherine O. said...

SO happy for you! A house, furniture, new car, AND waffles? You must be in heaven! See you at the beach!!

Lyndel said...

Yay! So excited for you and your new house :) Glad everything is getting put together... let me know when you're in town - I'd LOVE to see you!

Unknown said...

yay! so glad to hear from you! i pretty much go through withdrawals when you don't post. :)
so i have some other friends that also live in parker. is it a small area? is there more than one ward? they're the Jarvis family. Jakob, Kirstyn, and baby girl (don't know her name). So I'm pretty sure you should be friend with them. Ok, so I only really know Jakob from study abroad, but I'm pretty sure the two girls must be great, too.