Friday, June 24, 2016

Goodbye for three years


I think Abigail and Brady have lost the ability to play independently. They are inseparable from the moment they wake up... If you can even call it that... They sleep about five feet away from each other. 

I continue to be overwhelmed by my stuff. I finally tackled this drawer which has been embarrassingly disorganized for umm... years. There were literally five toothbrushes in this drawer. All mine. I have a habit of forgetting to pack my toothbrush (even though it's on my packing list) so I think I come home with a souvenir toothbrush from at least half the trips I go on. Also, I think that plane ticket was from our brazil trip. In March of 2015. Just keeping it real, this drawer was a hot mess. And of course I forgot the after photo. Whoops. 

Elizabeth cries a lot more than she used to. Separation anxiety and developing opinions. And teething pains thrown in there and I get a lot of this. 

How perfect was this? It's the book return slot at our library that they change out on a regular basis. This time Brady happened to match perfectly. Soccer, kelly green shirt, navy shorts. 

Don't worry, she's still happy a lot too. Just not allllll the time like she used to be. By the way, she's got six teeth. Four front ones and the two to the right. 

This was our going away party with the Hilliers. They've lived in this house for over 20 years and never fixed the jacuzzi (I think it was broken when they moved in) because they didn't want the drowning hazard. Well, they'll be renting out their house while they're away and so they got it fixed. Elizabeth and I just dipped our legs in. It was a lot of fun. 

Everything was cleared out and ready for the movers to come take away the furniture. 

Talk about empty. 

The sunset was incredible. You can't tell at all by this picture but it serves the purpose of triggering my memory. I first saw it through the window of Brent's office. I think Colorado has some of the most amazing sunsets I've ever seen, but Klaudette did mention that this one was likely so brilliant as a result of the wildfire (near pueblo) that was going on that day. It's several hours south but the wind blew all of the smoke up our way so it was hazy all day and I guess the colors reflect off the smoke or something like that. It was seriously stunning. 

Who knew I'd be so nostalgic for this house? 

I think I'm just mourning the next three years without this being our gathering place. Pulling up to this view for Sunday dinners or playing games on this lawn. I'm sure it'll be a happy reunion in three years. 

Chris took the kids home in his car while I stopped by kohl's to use my $10 off coupon. I thought I was going to get these items for nearly three but apparently kohl's has a thing about applying dollar off coupons before the 20% off coupon so it wasn't free but the bloomer shorts were $1 each and the skirt with bloomer shorts built in was only 80 cents or something. 

And then I had to stop by Walmart because Brady's flip flops finally broke beyond repair. I was so sad to see them go because navy matches everything boy related and the baseball design was adorable. But Walmart to the rescue... New flip flops, full price but still around $2.50 and pretty neutral looking. Hallelujah because the boy flip flops as kohl's were all character designs with the hulk and all bright orange or green and the wrong sizes and way more pricey. Dropped Brady's broken flip flops in the trash can and that felt good. I'm [extremely slowly] getting better at throwing things away. 

Seeing the Hilliers clean out their house gave me even more inspiration to try to tackle mine. 

I know I suck at blogging right now and I hope I don't regret it later, but I'm enjoying the time of not really taking pictures and in general just being lazy at life. ; )  Next month will be crazy and busy with traveling and then Abigail will be back in school... So I'm just enjoying this little slice of summer. 

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