Tuesday, June 14, 2016

Summer break

Apparently I'm taking a summer break from blogging. Whoops. I suck. As usual. 

In other news...

My baby turned one. We had a lame celebration and called it a party and really I forget it even happened. Elizabeth still looks like a baby except that when I see her I'm all "holy cow! When did you get so huge?!?!" So she looks like a giant 8 month old. Or a regular 8 month old. That's what most strangers think at least.  I swear I'll write a one year post on her sometime. Third child, I love you so.  

Brady is doing great. I'm just constantly amazed at what a great kid he's turning out to be since I spent the better part of his first year not liking him very much. He's funny and he's smart and he's super into sports and princesses. He's focused and confident and very aware of his appearance and fashion choices. 

Abigail still drives me crazy but I feel like we're inching our way to higher ground and occasionally I get glimpses of that light at the end of the tunnel. She's like me in that she feels things deeply. Her tantrums and outbursts are fierce, but so is her love. She loves hearing stories and anything about when I was younger, especially her age, and asks me things all day long like "did you like pizza and watermelon when you were my age?" just because those are her favorite foods and she likes for us to be similar. She loves me so much. I am grateful that she expresses that often these days and lately, knock on wood, she's had more days of saying "I love you, mom" instead of screaming "YOU'RE THE MEANEST!!! I'M OUT OF HERE!!!"  So y'know, that's really nice. She's really good at reading (in my opinion) and loves all things princess (she favors rapunzel) and ballet. This picture melts my heart. 

After church, I had Brady take a picture of me with my two daughters. I have two daughters! Today we played story time and I sat on the fireplace while Abigail was the librarian. She first told a story about Princess Elizabeth and then next about a little girl named Abigail who was a princess and kept running away from home into the woods. I may have had a few flashbacks to the hundreds of times that I ran away from home when I was a little princess myself. Anyway, I'm a queen now (ask Abigail if you don't believe me) and I have two princesses and one prince. And a king. Life is pretty good. 

1 comment:

sorham said...

we are back to blogging and keeping up with you guys. Catching up on your life makes me miss you so SO much. We love you guys and hope all is well. Yall are gorgeous! Keep your fingers crossed we end up in Colorado in a year =)