Saturday, July 9, 2011

the beach - in a blink

wow, that went by fast. the beach was awesome and we loved it but we're looking forward to things being a little quieter, a little calmer, a little less cramped, and a few other things. we'll be hanging out in atlanta for a few days before we fly back to colorado on tuesday so it'll still be a while longer til i get pictures and posts up.

in other news, baby has sprouted yet another tooth and she started talking this week and has a few words in her vocabulary. july 9th. this was my due date last year. i can't believe that a year ago i was hugely pregnant and i hadn't even met this kid. my how things change.
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Cherie said...

That is such a cute picture! I love her little hat! Hope you guys are having fun and I've missed your posts. :) You are by far the tiniest little Mom I know by the way! :) Lovin' the swim suit.

Lydia said...

what an adorable picture!! You both look gorgeous!