Monday, July 11, 2011

we have four words in our vocabularly

sung to the tune of "i've got five people in my family".  although i always sang it that i have six people in my family.  i've got two sisters and a brother and a mother and a POP!  i'm sure sesame street would approve of this adaption.

anyways.  while we were at the beach baby consistently spoke her first word.  any guesses as to what it was?  well you are wrong.  her first word was "yes" and it is the cutest yes you've ever heard.  the next day she spoke her second word.  "no."  she doesn't necessarily always mean what she says - it makes me think of a magic eight ball - but it's pretty correct.  today she dropped some green beans at dinner, we made eye contact, and then she said "no."  so at least she knows how i feel about it although it's too bad that it wasn't enough to keep her food on her plate.

she also says "uh oh" sometimes and "bye" occasionally when she waves.

looks like "mama" and "dada" are not high priorities here.

ps- my baby loves milkyway ice cream.  of course.


Diana C. said...

love this post! So cute when babies say words like yes and no. Miss you and i'm sad we didn't get to spend more time together in atlanta. I just have to come visit you sometime :)

kara said...

So sweet! The word has entered my daughter's vocabulary, but I must say it a lot because it's never just one "no." It's usually "no, no, no, no, no."

ok said...

video. I demand it. This post is unacceptable without a video.