Wednesday, May 1, 2013

so happy she's verbal

i am so very grateful every day for verbal communication with my sweet girl.  normally because she's freaking hilarious and makes me laugh out loud allllll the time.  but today i was grateful because she came to me crying and i didn't know why.

if you were trying to trouble shoot this situation... what would you guess was wrong?


well, thank goodness she can talk and express herself because all i had to do was ask what was wrong and why she was sad.  and, did you already put in your guess as to what the problem was?


she had picked out her outfit and gotten all dressed and told me she was ready to go downstairs.  as i was getting brady, she checked herself out in the mirror and decided that actually she would prefer pink leggings instead of the purples ones she was wearing.  i guess she was worried it was too late to change?  anyways, have no fear, we got things all sorted out.

when abigail was a baby i wasn't really looking forward to having a talking kid because i was afraid it would just translate to a little person yelling "NOOOOO!!!!" at me all day long.  glad that's not the case.  talking with my little person is awesome.

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