Tuesday, November 28, 2017

such a terrible Tuesday

and now Elizabeth is putting elbow pads on her knees to be a sports player.

it's common for Elizabeth to be sitting at the table and yell "one bite!" to me or Chris.  I guess I unintentionally created this.  it's because I hate leaving that last little bit of food uneaten.  so when she eats yogurt and says she's all done, I scrape the bowl or container for her and give her that last spoonful while I say something like "here's one more bite!"  so now she just always requests "one bite" when she's done with something.  normally we truly can scrounge up one more bite.  this time though, I laughed out loud.  Elizabeth handed me this and asked for her one bite.  but you better believe I put those tiny crumbs on that spoon and she happily ate it.  waste not, want not, my friends.

I love finding this surprise little gems.

I got a new companion recently and we visit three sisters now.  two of them, I knew we wouldn't be able to visit before the end of the month so I dropped this off instead.  a pomegranate with a quote and note on the other side.  does anyone else have any good ideas of simple things to drop off for people concerned with clean eating?  also, the pomegranates at Costco are HUGE.  like one pomegranate yields three cups of seeds.

I ordered family photos for honey to send out to his clients.  hopefully they look great because there are 350 of them.  I'm trying not to think about three hundred and fifty people having a picture of me and my family.  there's a reason I don't do that whole Christmas card thing.  it just makes me feel a little self conscious.  but for anyone wondering... Walmart does 4x6 prints for 9 cents each (doesn't have to all be the same photo) and mails them to your home for free.  waaaaay cheaper than what other places do.

Brady learned about the three little pigs at school.

sequencing and patterns.

my day was so rough because I felt stuck in an ADD fog and had so much I wanted to get done but nothing was actually happening except for Brady and Elizabeth making messes and needing me.  if that wasn't bad enough, my evening was just so much worse.  Abigail and Brady were both struggling.  Abigail was out of control and kept hurting Brady and getting sent to her room and so even though Brady had been fine, he quickly went downhill in his behavior.  and Elizabeth took her clothes and diaper off more times than I could even count.  and Andrew was crying unless he was being held.  and I was trying to make ham and cheese sliders for dinner and couldn't find any mustard and concluded we must be out and added a splash of vinegar to substitute but it made the sauce separate and not stick and Andrew kept crying and eventually I just stuck dinner in the fridge to eat tomorrow night and told Chris he could have cereal or whatever he wanted.  he chose cereal and tuna sandwiches for himself and the kids.

he took Brady ice skating at the Pepsi center (almost didn't because the kids were being so bad, but it's a season ticket holder thing and it only happens once a year) and the rest of us finally got a breather.  splitting Abigail and Brady up makes allll the difference in the world.  they're fine apart and mostly terrible together.  also, I ended up finding mustard in the fridge, shoved in the back... honey insisted he didn't put it there (it belongs on the door) but then I found this and felt even more confirmation that I was right... because mayo doesn't go here.  it goes on the door.

the girls and I peeled pomegranates to eat and had some quiet time together and eventually we all got to bed.

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