Wednesday, November 1, 2017

hands in pockets aka Brady's glamour photos

from honey's early morning flight to Vegas. 

I told Brady to put his hands in his pockets while I took a picture...  he took that very seriously and continued to pose that way for the entire day.

he likes when I say "don't smile!" and then have to do something silly to make him laugh.  he thinks it's a game.  I'm just trying to combat the horrible "natural" smile that he's started doing for all of his pictures lately.  ; )

Elizabeth and her photobombs... and looking at this picture I'm just cracking up because I noticed her hands in her pockets too.  that kid

more like "fit two chubby knuckles in your tiny front pockets."

see Brady? hands in pockets, not smiling.  he's now a professional model.

also, he loves to keep his name tag on from the gym.  and now whenever Elizabeth gets a sticker, she tries to put it on her back.  because she thinks now that that's where stickers are supposed to go.

paparazzi shot.

Andrew is such a tiny little baby.  he seems normal to me until I see myself holding him or see someone else holding him.  he really is so little.

and he reminds me of dopey from Snow White.

I've rekindled my love of reading amazon reviews just for recreation. these magnet block toys had a wide population of reviews from people that struggled with the English language.

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