Saturday, October 24, 2009

flag football, real football

today was a pretty eventful day.

christopher and i woke up decently early to go to a "roundtable discussion."  we try to stay educated on things and it turned out to be pretty interesting.  for this one, charlie rose interviewed eric schmidt (CEO of google -- he was my favorite), john hennessy, garth saloner, guillermo ortiz, penny pritzker, and caroline hoxby who are all just a random bunch of important accomplished people.

2009 Roundtable at Stanford

The Road Back: From Economic Meltdown to Renewal

How Do We Get There?

Scholars, politicians, and government officials will long debate the question of whether the economic collapse of 2008-2009 has fundamentally altered the world's established economic and social paradigms. At home and abroad there will be questions as to whether the U.S. will remain in its traditional economic and political leadership role, or be overshadowed by new engines of economic growth and prosperity.
Optimists point to Silicon Valley-style innovation, new technologies, and entrepreneurship as the solution to regaining economic momentum both in America, and around the world.
Others look to shifting centers of economic vitality to places like China and India as the world’s economic superpowers of the future.
In this emerging new hyper-competitive world economy, where is the road to recovery and renewal? As we emerge from the worst financial crisis since the Great Depression, what changes can we expect to see, and are there silver linings to be found? What will the long-term impact be on our lives and our fellow citizens around the globe?
Join renowned interviewer and 2009 moderator Charlie Rose and a distinguished panel of leaders for the fourth Roundtable at Stanford University.
on our way home, christopher asked if i would make tuna sandwiches for lunch and i told him we had no tuna.  he said he'd seen some in the fridge.  i told him it was impossible since i hadn't bought any tuna.  i'd looked at it at the store and decided it was too expensive and tuna didn't even taste that great.  he insisted.  i told him, if you can find some tuna, i'll make you a sandwich.

darn that boy.

he found tuna.  i guess i absentmindedly threw some in the cart because i knew it would make him happy (although in my pride i still have not admitted this to chris... i adamantly insist that i have no clue how that tuna got there) and what happens?  i have a husband dancing around in my face, quoting me in mocking terms "you find tuna and i'll make a sandwich."  that's the thanks i get?

we wives do not get enough appreciation around here.

anyways, after lunch (pancakes for me, tuna sandwich for chris) i took a nice nap while christopher studied.  it's good not to be a student.  i don't even know why he likes it so much.

i finally went to one of christopher's flag football games.  here are the highlights...

what a great run

already bored

great catch

bored again

 two guys running into each other and the ball hitting both heads

i snapped this picture on our way home from the flag football game.  who else thinks these palm trees look weird?  how does this even happen?  they're the only ones on campus i've seen that look like this.  it reminds me of when i take my hair out of a ponytail and it doesn't seem to lie flat again.  little did i know that palm trees and i have this problem in common.

then we went to our friends' apartment where they had a bunch of people over to watch the sad and disappointing game of byu against tcu.  the food was wonderful and the company was even better. 

and finally...  the real football game.  stanford homecoming game against ASU, which we left early but are still in the process of winning.

and if you hear about my husband failing out of stanford... specifically because of finance class... and even more specifically because of his finance midterm next week...

you'll know why.


Sara said...

Between absentmindedly buying tuna and taking bored pictures of your feet, I feel like you and I may have a lot in common.

Also, what does ASU stand for? I go to and ASU, but I'll bet it's not the same one.

Unknown said...

Your pictures during the flag football game remind me of the first time we went to a hockey game. I don't think we were very interested in the hockey. haha!
also, i stopped listening to the tcu game at 1st quarter. it was too depressing.
I think you need to come visit your house again some day.