Monday, November 2, 2009

my sister emmy

here is a shoutout to my sister emmy (don't get jealous liza, i love you both equally) who i spend my nights with since i became an mba widow. 

these pictures are from when she came to colorado for a weekend.  we had a photo shoot in chris's parents' living room and again the next night while we were waiting for chris's hockey game to start. 

anyways, we spend hours online together at night on the phone, webcame, skype, and whatever it's called when you share your screen (which is what we've been doing tonight for the last 2.5 hours).  sometimes we look at blogs or facebook together.  tonight i helped her shop online for a camera and taught her how to use picasa and have been watching a bascially constant slideshow of her pictures ever since. 

my nights are incomplete without my emmy.  in this lonely world of the west coast and three hour time zone differences, i am lost without my wonderful mountain-standard-time, late-night-student-hours, internet-loving sister.

so tonight when i felt an absence, i sent her a text, and she got online to keep me company (as soon as she got home!) and i haven't been lonely since!

so here's to you emmy!  and to many long, late nights to come!


EmmyLou said...

I appreciate the shout out! Seriously though, I can give you some better pictures. Those Colorado pictures were not the best. I still love you! It's been so fun hanging out with you tonight! Can we do it again tomorrow????

Sara said...

Pretty new blog background!

Jeff said...

Ok. I'm totally jealous and hate being left out. Can we PLEASE just all live in the same time zone?!

EmmyLou said...

haha! we're in three different time zones. and I'm in the middle! I get the luckiest!