Saturday, June 19, 2010

37 weeks

How far along: 37 weeks  (6.19.10)
Total weight gain/loss: + 23 lbs
Maternity clothes?: i'm being less and less stylish as the days go on... and i don't even care.
Stretch marks?: okay, even chris commented on how they are taking over on my right side.  i haven't gotten anything new on my left side for seriously forever.  but my right side... it hasn't stopped... or even slowed down!  and the ones coming out of my belly button are getting worse too.  but my right side... it just extends all along the underside of my belly until the half way line.
Sleep: i still can sleep through the night.  it's wonderful.  my dreams don't let up though.  they aren't traumatic or anything lately but it's annoying to dream all night that you're at work and then when you wake up you have to gear yourself up to go to work for another 9 hours!  too often it's like airplane sleep.  i know i'm sleeping because the time passes faster and i remember what i dream about... but i'm still conscious of where i am and conscious that i'm laying there dreaming.  how does that happen?!?!
Best moment this week: having another nanny with me at work to share the load with.  on wednesday i was absolutely beat.  like seriously dead to the world and physically just felt like i'd finished running a marathon.  she did all the cleaning, carrying, meal prep, etc. while i made sure to contribute when it came to anything verbal.  ;-)  oh my goodness i would have died without her there!
Movement: i take back my movement comment from last week about slowing down.  she is not.  very squirmy and still very active.
Food cravings:  sweets... just being snacky... and sometimes just not in the mood for food, although i sure make up for it later!
Gender: GIRL!!!  i can't wait for her to be my new best friend. 
What I miss:  nothing.
Milestones: reaching full term!  three weeks!!!
Theme: the week of oh my goodness my belly could not itch any worse if it tried!
Extra:  my belly started itching...bad...just overnight... and it's kept up and gotten worse all week!  lotions aren't helping.  so i've started using calamine lotion which doesn't get rid of the itch but it makes it bearable enough that i'm not scratching my skin raw.  everything is going by so fast for me so it's really hilarious every time i hear chris complain about how long "this" is taking and why can't our kid just come a few weeks early?  haha.  i have been really exhausted this week.  all i ever want to do is lay down.  i move slow and getting up is a chore since i'm so big.  i just don't have the energy that i used to... physically or mentally.  this week i've been taking naps at work when the boys nap.  i don't feel so bad about it since there are two of us there... i say if there are two boys asleep and two nannies present, then one nanny can take a nap... especially if she's big and pregnant.  so i've been telling my doctor that i haven't been feeling any contractions because honestly to goodness i thought that was true.  but when i was in the car monday evening my stomach got real compact and hard like a rock all around like it sometimes does... but this time it was definitely uncomfortable whereas normally it's not.  then it dawned on me that it wasn't my kid just stretching for a bit, it was a contraction!  ha, i felt kinda retarded when i realized that.  too bad i have NO idea when i started feeling them.  that would have been nice to record in this journal. 


Jenna said...

So glad to hear that things are going well and that you're almost there! Yeah the itchy thing, I never got that, it really does get annoying doesn't it?!

Jeff said...

I hope you don't have pupps. The itching is miserable and that's what I remember with Skye. I'll have to call you about it. Very exciting that you recognized a contraction. I thought it was interesting too that I had to describe what I was feeling to my doctor to confirm. You'd think you would know for sure, but the ones that aren't as strong can feel like other things also.

EmmyLou said...

I'm worried about what 'less and less stylish' means. You have always been a t-shirt and jeans girl. Does this mean you're into sweatpants and mumus? Please say it isn't so. You are so cute with your bowling ball. Dress it up!

Jeff said...

I agree with Em about the clothes. Is it really that hard to find something that's cute and fits? You're still pretty small.

Jeff said...

My comment should be taken as a compliment and heard in the nicest and kindest of tones. That's why I only post comments on family blogs. I just reread my comment and don't think it came out the way I wanted!

Anonymous said...

Looks like you're starting to have it all!! haha Good Luck!! My guess is July 3rd.....just in time for some fireworks LoL