Tuesday, March 8, 2011


this is why the miracle blanket and double swaddling are necessary. we've taken a couple of steps back temporarily while baby isn't feeling well. so i've occasionally been letting her have a pacifier and/or swaddleme to sleep if she's having a particularly rough time.

yesterday she wasn't awake for very long before she seemed really really tired, so i put her down for a nap. but she seemed overtired and couldn't settle herself so i wrapped her up and gave her the pacifier. she slept and slept and slept.

a week ago we lowered baby's crib. this was really really sad for me because i'm in the habit of giving her a kiss every time i walk past her room or go upstairs. but now her crib is so low i can't reach her. to resist the temptation, i've stopped going in her room during naps. i'll just look at her from the hallway (i always leave her door propped).

so lately her morning naps have been right at an hour an a half but yesterday she went right past that. and then longer and longer. finally i got in the shower because i knew that would wake her up. when i got out and what putting on lotion etc, she was just babbling away. super super happy. i finally went in there and saw that she had managed not only to bust out of her swaddle but to completely remove it!

there she was, just holding her swaddle blanket in her arms. my precious little houdini.
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1 comment:

Lydia said...

Poor sick baby!! But at least she is magic...that's pretty awesome =)Hope she gets better soon! Good Luck!