Monday, April 25, 2011

pesto advice please

i'm eating it on bread/toast, pasta, and chicken mostly.  and straight... but not very often.

i need more ways to eat pesto.  got any ideas for me?  want to send some recipes my way?

or recipes in general.  easy ones.  with not a lot of ingredients.  something on my level that's still delicious.  bonus points if my honey likes it too.


Unknown said...

hey, i added you to a menu exchange group on fb. people post menus and recipes on it. you could do pesto sandwiches with turkey, cheese, sprouts, avacados, pesto (of course), and whatever else. what about making some sort of dip out of it, like artichoke pesto dip? yeah, i dunno how to make that either. i'm sure knows how to make dips.

Lyndel said...

My mum makes us these delicious almost sandwhiches...

toast a bagel
on one side of the bagel:
put some pesto on it
slice tomatoes and mozzarella cheese balls and put them on it too.
eat it - sooo yum.

You can use cheddar cheese instead of mozzarella.