Monday, May 2, 2011

whoops... just a little add

y'know that book if you give a mouse a cookie?  and if you give a moose a muffin?  and if you give a pig a pancake?  i always loved those books.  LOVED them.  now i think about them all of the time because it's honestly the story of my life.  

i used to take adderall for this sort of add-ness but stopped that a few years ago when we started trying to get pregnant.  it really hasn't been too big of a deal since i don't have school anymore.  i just made lifestyle changes and now i completely THRIVE on routine.  i lock the door every single time i pass it so there's no laying in bed at night wondering if i remembered to bolt it or not.  my keys, purse, phone, etc... they all have a very specific place that i put them so they never get lost.  maybe this is why i'm so OCD about organization and cleanliness.  i have to be or else i can't function.  anyone that knew me for the first 20 years of my life can attest that i was not an organized individual.  my idea of cleaning my room when i was younger was piling everything on the floor in a corner and covering it with a blanket.  not kidding.  it would stay like that for months and months too.  just keep stuffing everything under there.

ANYWAYS, the good side of me being like that little mouse, moose, pig is that if i'm in a lazy mood i just need to put forth a little effort to get the ball rolling and then i'm good to go.  like last night.  i put baby to bed and i was so in the mood to just lay down, read blogs, and get lost on the internet.  knowing this would lead to several hours of nothingness, i told myself i could do that "right after i fold this laundry."  well, three hours later i was still going strong.  there was so much cleaning and organizing to get done and i was doing it all!  it was great!  

it made me so happy this morning to see my sparkly white kitchen, all freshly cloroxed with bleach.  to my horror though, my bathtub turned YELLOW overnight!  (i'll warn you now to sheild your eyes if your stomach can't handle my beautiful student housing bathtub.)  whoops!  in my cleaning frenzy, i had doused the tub with bleach, left it to soak, and completely forgot about it!  ten hours later and it's a beautiful golden color.

my first thought was "well, there goes our security deposit."  my second thought was "crap, with if i do this to our new bathtubs when we move?"  third thought was "i should google this."  a few online forums suggested hydrogen peroxide.  something about it being the right chemical to undo the bleach stain damage.  well, i took baby shopping this afternoon and we got a nice big bottle of hydrogen peroxide, among other things, and after i put baby down for her nap, i squirted the stains away... it was MAGIC.

before.  told you it was gross looking.  although i did somewhat enhance the picture.

and here too.  it was actually all around the sides, you just can't see it as well.

look at those squirt bottle marks!  it was wonderful!

and then i went to town on the rest of the tub and in between the tiles too.  spray, listen for the sizzle, scrub away.  ;-)

whew!  crisis averted.


Jared said...

haha!! This made me laugh out loud. Coming from a family where we all have ADD I can TOTALLY relate to this! Today I put my clothes in the dryer on the "de-wrinkle" cycle 4 different times today with the intention of coming back to get it out of the dryer before it all sat there getting wrinkly. Guess what? I just remembered because I'm writing this that that load is still sitting in the dryer. At least I know what to do now if I ever bleach my tub into brown-ness. You're amazing! :)

Jared said...

Dang it. That was Cherie again. I really need to stop using Jared's computer.