Thursday, August 25, 2011

ordinary things are fun

it was after 9 and mom and i were anxious to get a start on our day so i went up to check on baby.  turns out she was awake but not making a peep.  when she has a pacifier, she is perfectly content to hang out in her crib all morning long.  this kid knows how to lounge.

check out my beautiful mother.  she makes me so happy.

this is us (mom) heating up the water for homemade yogurt.  i'm learning how to be wonderfully domestic.

this is mom doing a sort of shirt-curtsy pose to show how happy she is in her blow up air mattress guest room.  a much better set up than either time she came to visit me in california last year.  (air mattress on floor of living room and then a few months later on a bed but sharing a room with a newborn that had to be woken and fed every four hours).  who needs nightstands or a dresser?  this is five star treatment here at hotel hillier.

we also went to the denver botanical gardens (pictures on mom's camera), ate a delicious roast beef bacon blue cheese panini, hit up good times for a turtle spoon bender and a handspun frozen custard chocolate malt, filled our cart at walmart, made garlic chicken and homemade mac and cheese for dinner, and watched dvr'd america's got talent.  it was a fun filled day.  just ask baby.  she would know.  she only slept for 7 minutes today.

goals for tomorrow: castle rock outlets, parade of homes, normal three hour nap, PICK UP EMMY!, and the help.  now i just need to find a babysitter...


For the Love of French said...

What a great kitchen!!

Jeff said...

Love Abby's outfit! It makes me happy that you are enjoying some of our cute outfits. I'm pretty sure that's one that Star sent us. Have fun with Mom.

Sara said...

Why is your child so large??

What are you feeding this child that is making her grow? I hear it's bad to give kids fertilizer.

Give that kid some coffee and start stunting her growth. Worked like a charm for me!