Wednesday, August 3, 2011


that's all i've been hearing all day long.  from my sweet little girl who endlessly grabs for my phone, presses the buttons and holds it over her shoulder eagerly waiting for a response.  it. is. adorable.

speaking of adorable.  she is so adorable that every single time we go out in public, i have people stop to tell me how gorgeous she is.  no kidding, multiple people every time we go out shopping.  today i had six or seven.  two at goodwill and four or five at walmart.  i'm used to it so it doesn't bother me.  except when people touch my baby.  ummm keep your hands to yourself!  one woman at goodwill put both of her hands on baby's cheeks.  hands on face!  i about died and i think she saw it in my eyes.  anyways.  now i'm a little more guarded.

what do i need to do to prevent this?  give off strange body language?  shower even more rarely than i already do?  suggestions welcome.


For the Love of French said...

put her in an outfit that says "look but don't touch"

ok said...

video. post one. i demand.