Tuesday, June 8, 2010

i am pathetic

my honey is out of town til friday night and i feel so lost without him.  what on earth am i supposed to look forward to after work?  or when i go to bed?  what's fun about an empty home and an empty bed?  oh, right, absolutely nothing. 

in honor of being grumpy and lonely, here is a short list of things i hate...

trying to find a non-ugly, affordable stroller
being hungry
finding clothes to wear
wearing clothes
the fact that i'm not getting a massage right now and i want one
when my mother is in africa
missing my beach family reunion for the first time in my life
chipped toenail polish
dirty feet and dirty flip flops
thank you cards
being cold
sleeping alone

and so i don't leave you on such a depressing note, here is a much shorter list of things i absolutely love...

being pregnant
my honey


Sara said...

Sometimes wearing clothes just sucks, and I don't mean that in a nudist, exhibitionist way.

I mean, there are days when nothing looks good, nothing FEELS good and when someone tells you that you look nice, you want to punch them in the face for lying.

I'm assuming that's what you meant, but I could be way off.

Just letting you know you're not alone!

S.A.R. said...

You are not pathetic!

You need to develop a mantra. It's the only way to survive and absent spouse.

And yes, wearing clothing can be a huge curse. My dream world would be one where professional, formal, and everyday attire consisted of various versions of yoga pants, long cottony t shirts, and flip flops.

Krysten @ Why Girls Are Weird said...

I actually love when my hubby goes out of town - gives me a chance to have some me time =-)