Saturday, August 28, 2010

boring update on baby's cries

although it's making things more challenging than before, i'm excited that baby is developping a personality and preferences and such.  as i mentioned before, around four weeks, she showed her first signs of fussiness.  it's gradually increasing which is, ehh, new and interesting.  according to every site google has to offer, fussiness peaks at six weeks.  we'll see if that's true for baby since she hasn't really been cookie cutter perfection so far.  it would be nice for it to start decreasing a little... or at least plateau.

it's not like she cries for no reason, but she let's you know when she's unhappy, which is a change from the past.

my favorite times she fusses are when you leave the room (like when i wash my hands after i change her diaper) or when she's hungry.  i love swooping her up in my arms and seeing her sweet face grow nicely content and relaxed.

my least favorite cry is when she needs to burp but i can't get one out of her.  it's so such a sad face she has and her cry makes it sound like she's in pain.  it breaks my heart every time.

poor babygirl
fyi, this shirt used to be white... but thanks to the laundry incident, not anymore!  don't you think it's a nice shade of pink though?

and the most useful cry comes during the night.  before, i never really let myself get all the way asleep because since she didn't cry, i had to listen out for her whimpers.  but now i let myself sleep soundly because i know she'll wake me up if she needs to eat. 

well.  honey is home from redbox so i gotta go.  well, okay, i'm not THAT excited about the movies.  i've never been a movie person.  but when we watch movies he makes pudding... and sometimes kettle corn too!  that's how he gets me to like watching movies with him.  food bribes.

it works.


Bryan and Carolyn Turnage said...

reading your blog tonight made me miss you more than normally. and that picture of Abigail is too much! I love that you were able to catch that one film! Anyways, that's you guys!!!!

Sara said...

Fussiness peaks at six weeks?


I feel like it peaked at 14 years for me.