Wednesday, August 4, 2010


this is my friend zita.

in hungary, september 2008

she's coming to visit for the weekend!  she lives in hungary.  chris met her there while he was on his mission and i met her there two years ago on our europe trip.  she's been hanging out in the states for a few months, mostly in utah.  we decided she needed to see california so chris convinced her to spend a few days with us!  i pick them up at the airport (san jose, thank goodness... none of that oakland across the bay stuff for me!) late tonight.  i'm excited zita and i will be able to play during the day (good thing her english is so fabulous) while chris is at work.  and then maybe we can all do some fun stuff together over the weekend!  i can't wait!  i'll let you know how it goes!

in other news:
i slept in til 10:30 today and was a much happier camper than yesterday!
we're out of milk.  again.  i'm going through it faster than ever these days.
i think i have a blocked milk duct.  i am NOT happy about this.
my kid makes very interesting sleep noises, similar to those of an old person.
i had an epiphany this morning about how physically painful motherhood is.
the most productive part of my day yesterday was between the hours of 10 and midnight.
i have done this entire post with one hand. 

because of this...


Unknown said...

so darn cute!

Sara said...

You can blog one-handed?

Well, that's the hard part. The rest should be pretty easy, right?

Jeff said...


kara said...

Don't you get good at one handed typing? Love it.

Marianne said...

isn't it amazing at what you are capable of doing with one hand all of a sudden?!

also, i want you to know that i totally feel for you and your blocked milk duct--they are THE worst--and I had my fair share--but don't give up--it will pass and all will be dandy again!

Anonymous said...

You are amazing and she is absolutely adorable....i can't get over that ya'll have a beautiful baby!!

Jenna said...

Believe me, that is quite an accomplishment!

Mary Mitchell said...

Haha! Thanks for the comment and the blog stalking! I feel like I should know you already?! I had smoothies with your parents last week and I shopped in Costco with Walter a few months ago and I met your Grandmother in Quitman last month. We're practically family!
Your blog is great! and your baby is adorable. So, if you ever go private, add me to the list :).

Paige Taylor Evans said...

Precious! So there's hope I'll still be able to blog when Fox comes!