Wednesday, April 13, 2011

little bits

baby girl is sick again. sad but true. last night she woke up around midnight terribly congested and i knew. all day today she's been my baby vader. i swear she crawls around to the tune of "mooom, i am your baaaaabbbyyy." it's cute but definitely my favorite part of her being sick today has been that she has to breath through her mouth. so her mouth is always open. it gives her a look of constant wonder and amazement and it is absolutely precious. she's also nursing again like an olympic swimmer. suck suck suck turn head and breath heavily to catch breath, suck suck suck, etc.

this past weekend we went on a bizkids field trip to happy hollow which is a toddler sized theme park. it was really cool but sadly i think you had to be at least 35 inches for most all of the rides so baby mainly just enjoyed the sights and sounds.

last week i baked crescent rolls with nutella on the inside. FABULOUS and super easy and soooo quick. it involves smearing nutella on a dough triangle, rolling it up, and baking for 10 minutes. and if you want to get all martha stewart, you can add fruit in there too. i added banana and it was delicious. but plain nutella is nice too. it's like a pain au chocolat which makes me wonder "why on earth didn't i think of this on my own?!?!" anyways, this might have to be my new go to dessert when we need to bring a plate of treats. somewhere.

but my new obsession is actually this other treat without an official name. it's pretty much straight up butter and brown sugar and it is HEAVEN. it's like the quick and easy version of english toffee. the quick directions include boiling butter and brown sugar and pouring it over saltines laid on a jelly roll pan and then melting a thin layer of chocolate chips on top. and i added toffee skor bits on top to make it look pretty. not clear enough? i followed the directions in this blog post and i thought she explained it really well and the pictures helped too! and she was even funny and made me want a pretty colored spatula.

which is pretty funny because then the next day i got a package in the mail and the omnipotent sender had included a gorgeous blue spatula! the stars must have been aligned because the package was already en route when my heart decided i wanted a pretty spatula. i'm pretty sure that's what elder bednar was talking about when he spoke of tender mercies.

the best news of all?!?!? SISTER LISA (or sisar lisa for all of you finnish readers out there), who i affectionately call weed, CAME HOME FROM HER MISSION!!! she's been in finland for the past 18 months spreading the gospel and singing and being really really frozen cold and i'm so excited she's back in the states! even if she is in georgia and i won't get to see her til july.

k, now i gotta get back to double fisting those saltine treats...


Sara said...

Carolyn Magdalena.

You have changed my life. Those nutella crescent roll things may be enough to have effectively altered my existence FOREVER. Why DIDN'T we think of this before?

Also, your little tater tot has these giant Disney eyes that make me want to sing melodies to bluebirds and squirrels.

I hope she feels better!

Sara said...

Hm. I wonder if pretzels would be good as the bottom layer of that treat. It seems to me that they would hold their crunch better . . . I'll have to try it.

Also, I am visiting Georgia in the summer, too, but it might not be in July. Send me an e-mail and let me know when in July you will be there -- I think it would be wonderful if you, Lisa, Belen, and I all had fun together. :)

ok said...

I didn't know your sister served in Finland. That's where Adam served!!! Cool!!!

Also, I love you and I love your baby and your blog always makes me smile. I hope baby feels better!

Carrie said...

sarah, she's not quiiiiite my sister. she has red hair. so she is my almost sister. the redheaded almost sister. also known as a best friend since birth (i have two).

my real sisters are just the one who blogs and the one who doesn't.

we love you too!

ok said...

Oh! Oops. Blogging sister, non blogging sister, and Finland not sister. ;)

PS, did you notice that only Sara/Sarahs posted comments? I think that means Sara/Sarahs make the best friends!