Thursday, October 9, 2014

6 weeks

How far along:  6 weeks  (10.9.14)

Total weight gain/loss: -1 lb
Maternity clothes:  yes... but only because i wear maternity clothes as part of my regular wardrobe.  i know it's strange, but yes, i regularly shop the maternity section for clothes to wear when i'm not pregnant.
Sleep:  not awesome.  i'm waking up several times a night, and even though i'm able to go back to sleep easily, it just feels very choppy and interrupted.  also, i'm having dreams every night and it's exhausting because i never actually feel like i'm sleeping.  also, i had my first bad pregnancy/miscarriage dream.  i was plagued with them throughout my pregnancy with abigail and luckily spared with brady's.  but i had a dream that i went in for my appointment, and we actually saw multiple babies (they were all stuck together but outside of my body?! it was like those red chilis you see hanging decoratively in the dessert, but with flesh colored gummy bears... because that's how babies look this early) but the flicker to signify a heartbeat wasn't obvious and was only barely visible in one or two of the gummy bear babies.  so the doctor and the nurse told me i was going to have a miscarriage and that i should go ahead and have surgery to get that show on the road and i was panicking and telling them that i wanted to wait and let things happen naturally and how could they even be so sure?! and then i put my head down on the counter there and just started bawling and thinking "of course... it was too perfect and too good to be true!" and then i woke up and holy cow was i so glad to still be pregnant.  my mantra so far this pregnancy has been basically that i'm pregnant right now, and for that, i am eternally grateful.
Best moment this week:  mom and dad coming to visit! and mom waiting on me hand and foot.  i've been feeling so crappy and it has been a lifesaver to have happy faces to keep me distracted and do my cooking and dishes and cleaning and childcare!  especially since chris has been out of town so much for work!  also, when i was at the grocery store on monday afternoon/evening, i got a phone call from my doctor's office saying that they wanted to reschedule my first appointment for much sooner than previously planned because my beta hcg numbers are so high.  woohoo!  
Movement:  just that constant and unpleasant churning of my upset stomach...
Food cravings:  i hate eating.  hate hate hate hate makes me want to cry and curl up in the fetal position and go to sleep and not wake up.  the nausea has been steadily getting worse.  within the last few days, i've gotten to the point that i can't eat food without gagging and taking slow, deep breaths with my eyes closed.  i am starving constantly and even when i'm able to force feed myself a normal amount of food that would typically satisfy me for breakfast or dinner or whatever, it doesn't even make a dent on my hunger.  super annoying and defeating.  i have found though that i feel my best about 30 minutes after i eat.  i feel super sick and nauseous before i eat and while i eat and after i eat, but once that settles down (i have to lay down while it all settles), then i'm at this little sweet spot where the food has taken the edge off my hunger and nausea and headache.  not great by any means, but it's as good as it gets right now. 
Symptoms: nausea (and the gagging, etc. that goes with it) and a literally constant horrendous headache that is with me every single minute of the day, even when i wake up during the night), lightheadedness. my constant lower backache has subsided pretty dramatically, and even though i'm really feeling it right now, because i've been sitting for over an hour in the same position, it's not really noticeable during the day.  probably because i'm too busy moaning about my hunger and nausea and headache.  also, weird, but i'd have to say another symptom of mine currently is burping.  i have no idea how i'm inhaling so much air but i burp frequently!  which i hate because every time i burp, i feel like i'm going to vomit.  which is always frightening... especially in public.  
Gender:  my gut and symptoms are all girl.  after my terrible morning sickness with abigail and my very manageable morning sickness with brady, i told honey i only wanted boys from here on out.  this time, it seems like i'm getting another girl.  
What I miss:  not feeling so crappy all the time.  i pretty much just lay down in fetal position all day and try to distract myself with random internet articles to take my mind off of how crappy i feel and how messy my house is getting with my constant neglect.
Milestones:  i got high and doubling hcg numbers! i've got a healthy pregnancy going on here!!!
Theme: the week of mom saving my life and my sanity.  we started her trip with fun and by the end, i was moaning on the sofa while she swept and mopped my kitchen floor.  
What's different this time around:  with abigail, i was well into the sickness and migraines at this point.  with brady, i felt 100% fine until 6 weeks and then tanked hard (the day before and day of walter's wedding and then for the following week when we were on the meritain trip in napa), and this time... i'm quickly catching up with abigail's pregnancy.  
Extra:  i'm happy to report that my beta hcg numbers came back great.  over 3100, and then over 7200, 48 hours later.  according to everything online, those numbers are really high for how far along i am.  christopher got excited at the possibility of twins. but i am hoping and confident that there is just one baby in there.  i'm loving that steph is only one week behind me and we're having fun riding this roller coaster together!  i'm so excited that she's pregnant (it's her first) but also so excited that we get to be pregnant at the same time and the little cousins can be best friends since she's due exactly a week after me and they'll be so close in age!

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