Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Marshawn Lynch and Brady

When Abigail was one, she developed a phone fettish and was constantly pretending to talk on the phone... And everything was a phone. Her show, a spoon, her hand... or foot. Really anything was fine. 

Well Brady has also developed a love of talking on the phone. But he only wants a real phone. And you better believe he wants a real person on the other end to talk to. Not sure if it's because RS he second child or just more high maintenance in general, but this is just how it is. Luckily he doesn't know about outbound calls so he doesn't beg me to call anyone, but he knows all about inbound calls and my existing phone conversations. So anytime he finds me on the phone, he whines and begs to have a turn. He's enjoyed talking to grandmother, Emmy, mom, and dad recently and every conversation is the same. Brady grunts/laughs (his certain one that means "yeah") at all the appropriate times and never says anything else. 

Chris witnessed this for the first time last night and was especially amused. And then he had me watch this most recent marshawn lynch interview. 

Spot on. Except that Brady doesn't have a personal charity/foundation [yet!] to promote. 


As a side note... Christopher told me, "y'know if I played a professional sport, I'd probably do some interviews like that too. Think about how annoying it would be to answer those questions after a game."  

He's not a people pleaser... He's my Mr. Darcy. 

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