Sunday, November 30, 2014

To the farm we go

I am currently on the longest car ride of my entire life. These things are all about perception, and while I love the people I am with, my back is killing me, and my kids are driving me nuts.

On the plus side, dad created a hotspot from his phone so we can have internet for mom's iPad and it has done wonders entertaining the children. I also caught him saying "say something Google, I'm giving up on you." 

But back on the downside, this four hour car ride is taking six and a half hours and I've been experiencing terrible back pain for the past two weeks and riding in the middle of two large convertible car seats isn't helping things. ; )  and since my morning sickness is still around and hitting between three and four o'clock, I haven't been feeling too hot for the last six hours.

But, let's be honest, I'm less than a half hour from the farm and couldn't be more excited to embrace my sweet grandmother! Woohoo!

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