Monday, March 23, 2015

Monday Monday

Saturday night, we paired my new car to our garage door. Then sometime that night while we were sleeping, it opened. And it did the same thing while we were at church on Sunday. So we got a little concerned about the safety issues of a garage door that opens at will and I googled the issue but didn't find a whole lot of help. Then that night, I discovered that our garage door code wasn't working anymore. What the heck?!

Luckily, my honey is great, and I woke up to this.

And around noon, brady was being super cute playing with his pretend food. And the chirping started with some smoke detector battery that was apparently low. 

When honey came home, he got to fixing that too. And during his process of putting his ear up to figure out which one was beeping (what is it about the beeping sound that makes it impossible to identify where it's coming from?!), it stopped. So that was great. Except I'm sure it'll start again tomorrow as soon as honey goes to work and I'll get to listen to it for even more hours tomorrow! Ha.

Our trash and recycling used to always get picked up between 9:30 and 11:30. The past two weeks, trash pickup has been before 8am. And today... With our 30mph winds, recycling didn't come until literally after 5pm. Our street was literally covered in trash. Someone's big bin up the street had blown over and papers and cereal boxes and soda cans and water jugs were everywhere. Honey and brady and I did our part cleaning up and luckily Abigail and her friends got trash bags and helped too. Four trash bags later, it was all cleaned up.

Sadly, stuff was still getting blown over as the guys were doing pickup so there's still trash in everyone's yards, but it's not horrendous like it was before.

Brady was so excited to see the truck but wouldn't take his hands off his ears. He's always been a little sensitive to loud noises. ; )

I had brady skip his nap today... because I swear my kids know when nap time is and they choose that moment to run to the playroom and then play quietly and get along perfectly for an indefinite amount of time... And because he slept late and I didn't get him up til close to 11 when my visiting teacher came over. So of course when I decide that it's late enough that they can just play and we'll forgo nap time, they both come down and want to help me make dinner. So we all made stuffed peppers together which was fine because it was early in the day and we had plenty of time. Honey got home early, we picked up trash and played outside, ate, went on s walk to the playground, and then had the kids in bed by 7. Today was good but it felt long. A lot happened compared to our typical days. ; ) 

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