Thursday, March 12, 2015

28 weeks

How far along:  28 weeks  (3.12.15)
Total weight gain/loss: 19.5 lbs  when i got back from my trip, my scale said 137 and even though i knew i'd been eating soooo much in brazil, i kind of freaked out that i'd already gained 22 lbs considering i only gained 24 total with each previous pregnancy.  happily though, the scale kept going down day by day and finally rested on 134.5 so i'm breathing a little easier and still helping myself to sugared cereal.  ; )
Maternity clothes:  yes... same as last week.  just maternity shirts.  and occasionally i'll break out my maternity skinnies... but i have enough options without them.
Sleep:  not awesome.  the first night home in my bed was glorious.  but since then, i've just had trouble sleeping well.  and even if i wake up feeling rested, it's only an hour or two before i'm exhausted and by 2:00 (and for the rest of the day) am having trouble keeping my eyes open.  i'm still averaging at least ten hours of sleep each night but i'm just sooo tired and out of motivation during the day.  is my body more tired because i'm more pregnant? or just more tired because my sleep at night is less quality than what it has been?
Best moment this week:  getting back in town and seeing the kids. and spending that morning in atlanta on sunday when we picked them up. trips are nice, but it's great getting back to the familiarity of normal life too.
Movement:  still on the rise in terms of frequency and intensity.  last friday morning, honey and i were snuggling in bed when he was trying to wake me up and i was trying to go back to sleep.  later, after we were up for the day, he said, "does all that kicking wake you up in the morning?!?!"  he's barely felt my belly this pregnancy and i think it shocked him how constant and powerful those kicks were.  
Food cravings:  i have not been eating healthily at all... mostly out of sheer laziness.  i've been so tired during the day that i've taken to snacking on chocolate and toffee and starbursts all day to keep me awake.  it's bad.  also, i'm still loving sugared cereal for breakfast.  mostly frosted flakes or peanut butter crunch (it's just like reese's puffs but it's the captain crunch line and it's cheaper).  i ate two huge bowls of peanut butter crunch before my appointment on wednesday and dr. claggett asked what i'd had for breakfast.  "umm, sugared cereal."  "ohhh, that explains it... you had quite a bit of glucose in your urine."  whoops.  maybe next time i'll just have a glass of milk and save my sugared cereal for later in the day.  i'm glad to be home and eating my scambled cheese eggs on toast for lunch every day again.  dinner is a struggle though.  typically by that time i'm just soooo tired and dinner foods don't really appeal to me so much.  i'm so sick of everything i make.  i have been really loving beef jerky though.  mom sent me home with a bag and holy cow (as always), it is blissful.
Symptoms: nausea very rarely and not wanting to eat dinner, lack of motivation for parenting and the mom guilt is back, fatigue.
Gender:  my little self is so happy to be having a girl.  brady isn't into kisses and his reaction when you try to kiss him is to punch your face out of the way... so even though he's adorable, it does make me a little happy that our house will go from boy/girl balanced to tilted in the girl direction.  sorry, but it's true.  
What I miss:  not being so so tired every day.  i hope this doesn't continue for the rest of this pregnancy!
Milestones:  i think you know you're getting towards the homestretch of pregnancy when your doctor asks at your appointment what kind of birth control you'll be using after you deliver your baby.
Theme: the week of trying to get back in the groove of life but just lacking all energy and motivation.
What's different this time around:  with abigail and brady, i'd gained less weight at this point, but only by a few pounds.  also with both of them, my emotions were difficult and i was experiencing some pregnancy depression/apathy/etc. even if it wasn't all day, every day.  and with brady, apparently i wasn't having these crazy bizarre dreams that i've had this pregnancy and with abigail.  this pregnancy really does so closely parallel abigail's.   
Extra:  i'm doing alright, all things considered.  the biggest thing on my to do list right now is to have honey buy me a minivan.  ; )  my biggest concern on my mind is still the bedroom configuration of getting three kids into two bedrooms (because i'm not willing to give up our playroom or our guest room) and i change my mind every two seconds about pairing abigail with brady vs abigail with new baby and then i'll just tell christopher that i love our house and want to finish our basement instead, which we've always been decided against because it doesn't make sense financially, and then i'll hop on zillow for a few hours and scope out any 6+ bedroom houses in our area.  i'm all over the place.  really though, i would love a space to go ahead and start getting stuff set up for new baby, but as far as brady is concerned, he's sleeping so great with his current set up that i don't want to rock that boat at all.

3.12.15 at 28 weeks

3.12.15 at 28 weeks

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